This document is a chart who shows the percentage of people... - This bar chart shows the percentage of people..., The society found differents ways to get access to the news... - According to the bar chart, there were different ways that one society got access to the news..., The graph shows how people access to news in one country between 2013 to 2017. - The graph shows how people accessed news in one country in 2013, 2015 and 2017., Generally speaking, almost 80% of the population access to the news via television reaching a peak in 2013. - Generally speaking, almost 80% of the population accessed the news via television, with an evident peak in 2013., ...TV started at just under 80% in 2013,..., with finishing at just above 70% in 2015. - ...TV started at just under 80% in 2013,..., reaching just above 70% in 2017., There was a slight rise in television in 2015. - The television category showed a slight rise in 2015., The internet percentage rate grew by 69%. - The internet percentage rate grew to 69%., ...and then it soared.../ ..then it dropped and remained flat.../ and next it declined... - ...before soaring.../ before dropping and remaining flat.../...before declining ..., There was a significantly drop until 21%. - There was a significant drop to 21%., ...including a steady remain.../ ..was a sharply rose.../ had a sligthly increase.. - ...including remaining steady.../ was a sharp rise.../ ...had a slight increase..., From 2013 to 2015, the internet had an increase of 40%.  - From 2013 to 2015, the internet use percentage had an increase to 41%. ,

Writing Part 1 Bar Chart Error Correction



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