1) /Name/ a) What's the name of a cafe? b) Name cafe what? c) How you call a cafe? d) What is cafe? 2) /Like eating/ a) You like eating what? b) Do you like? c) What do you like eating? d) What you like eating? 3) /Where/ a) Where be a cafe? b) Where is it? c) Where is a cafe? d) Where it? 4) Time/open a) What time opens? b) When open? c) What time does it open? d) Which time opened? 5) Cheap/expensive a) There cheap or expensive? b) Cheap it is or not? c) There is cheap or expensive? d) Is it cheap or expensive? 6) Tasty a) Is it tasty there? b) Tasty or no? c) Tasty or not? d) Is cafe tasty?

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