I like English ____ Maths. I like English ____ I don't like Art. I like Maths ____ I am good with numbers I wanted ice-cream ____ I bought one. He didn't see or hear anything ____ he was asleep. They could travel to Miami ____ New York, ____ they couldn't come back. It was my mum´s birthday, ____ I cooked cookies ____ cakes. He forgot his book ____ his pencil case at home ____ he spend the weekend doing homework It is cloudy ____ rainy, ____ we can´t play outside We loved the place, ____ we didn't like the insects. Computers ____ tablets are useful, ____ smartphones are the best. I love travelling, ____ I don't like buses ____ trains. Summer is nice, ____ I prefer winter. Reading ____ drawing are my favourite hobbies ____ I prefer to be quiet. I was bored ____ I watched a movie I bought a present ____ next week is my friend´s birthday I was tired ____ I didn´t want to go to bed He walked a lot, ____ he was tired. I was sick, ____ I didn´t go to school He was a great football player, ____ he couldn´t play basketball.



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