I ____ like to tell you about ____ My name is Alex and I ____ 14 years old I ____ born on the 16th of May, ____ 2010 I am tall and ____ I have ____ short ____ hair and brown eyes I am also usually ____ and polite I ____ in London and ____ in the 7th grade My ____ school subject is PE ____ I like playing volleyball, ____ I don’t like math because it's ____ for me In my family ____ are 4 people. These ____ my mum, dad, my sister and me We usually watch films in the ____ or cook together I am ____ on dancing, but I am not really ____ at drawing At home I often wash the ____, tidy my room or go ____ to buy some food My favourite ____ band is Muse because their ____ are beautiful In summer I'm going to ____ and ____ a lot of photos

Let me introduce myself


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