1) what is an immigrant? a) someone temporarily crossing other country boarders. b) someone fleeing from war. c) someone intending to set up a home in a new country. d) all of the above 2) what thing (s) triggered the great migration? a) industrial revolution b) potato famine c) napoleonic wars d) all of the above 3) what did britain do to relive the economic stress of the people? a) kill them b) let them deport c) cure the potato blight d) force people to eat rotten potatoes e) slow down the industrial revolution f) build more homes 4) what were the ships for the deportation often known as and why? a) coffin ships because they looked like coffins b) life boats because many people lived c) coffin ships because lots of people died and poor conditions d) pretty boat because a toddler said its pretty e) majestic ships because they had wounderful sails f) vitamin d boats because there was lots of sun 5) what does boycott mean? a) stopping a war b) a boy made of cottage cheese c) someone who caught a flying child d) cancelling co-operation with a system or goods as a form of protest e) boycott means boycott obviously! (don´t pick this) f) wanting to change the system of govorment 6) what did reformers want? a) to re inform the first nations b) democracy c) to change the ruler of britain 7) what does colonial government mean a) a colony of govorments b) a government established by a colony and controlled by an imperial power c) to break away from imperialism d) to protest against a colony 8) what does republic mean? a) a public view trying to change a system b) to have majority votes choose the government c) a system of government with no monarch 9) who held power in lower canada before and during the rebelion a) the family compact b) chateau clique c) the wealthy d) the ruler of britain 10) choose all of the following that happened in the lower canada rebelion a) the parti canadien and party patriote were searching for a more democratic govorment b) 1500 people or more died c) a cholera epidemic broke out d) fighting sometimes broke out between canadiens and english speakers during assembly´s e) there was a lot of homes burnt down f) there was crop failure causing lots of people to starve 11) what is an epidemic a) a very common dissease in an area at a time b) someone is in quarentine due to illness 12) the reform party, who wanted a more democratic government, won the most seats for an election in upper canada a) true b) false c) maybe 13) crop failure also plauged upper canada a) true b) false 14) what does quarentine mean? a) to have a quarter b) to be isolated from everyone c) to leave the outside world forever d) to be sick


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