: Analyze data - Scientists analyze data to draw conclusions., Assess impact - We need to assess the impact of climate change., Benefit from - Students benefit from additional study resources., Complex issue - Immigration is a complex issue in many countries., Core concept - Understanding the core concept is crucial for this theory., Contrast sharply - The two theories contrast sharply in their approach., Meet criteria - Applicants must meet criteria to qualify for the job., Collect data - Researchers collect data through surveys and experiments., Sharp decline - There has been a sharp decline in sales this year., Culturally diverse - London is known for its culturally diverse population., Boost the economy - New policies aim to boost the economy., Strongly emphasize - Teachers strongly emphasize the importance of reading., Natural environment - We must protect the natural environment., Evaluate performance - Managers evaluate performance annually., Key factor - Education is a key factor in economic development., Profound impact - Technology has a profound impact on society., Clearly indicate - The results clearly indicate a need for change., Maintain balance - It is important to maintain balance in life., Implement policy - Governments need to implement policy effectively., Propose solution - The committee will propose a solution next week., Significant contribution - He made a significant contribution to the project., Reliable source - Always use a reliable source for your research., Develop strategy - Companies must develop strategy to stay competitive., Emerging trend - There is an emerging trend towards remote work., Urban development - Urban development projects are increasing rapidly.,




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