Magna Carta - The "Great Charter" King John of England was forced to sign in 1215 by rebellious barons who were tired of his mistreatment of them; it made the king obey the same laws as the citizens of his kingdom and guaranteed citizens many individual rights. American colonist 500 years later had many of the same complaints against King George and cited the Magna Carta's principles to justify their revolution., Political Concepts in the Magna Carta - limited government, rule of law, individual rights (see full list), due process, habeas corpus, self-government, Rule of Law - The idea that a ruler or government is not all powerful and not even a king could break the law, Individual Rights in the Magna Carta - -King couldn't raise taxes w/out consent, -King couldn't seize property w/out compensation, -Citizens could travel and trade freely, -Due Process, -Habeas Corpus, -Fair Trials: (Speedy, before a jury of one's peers, in public rather than secret), -Punishment should fit crime, -Right to rebel if king broke agreement, Due Process - The idea that the government (esp. courts) should treat people fairly and follow established rules and procedures, Habeas corpus - Protection against unlawful detention or imprisonment by the government, House of Burgesses - The Virginia House of Burgesses formed the first legislative body in colonial America in 1619 to attract colonist to the New World. Later other colonies would adopt houses of burgesses. These sowed the seeds of democracy in the New World., Mayflower Compact - The first agreement for self-government in America written by the Pilgrims in 1620 after their ship to Virginia was blown off course and they found themselves governmentless in the New World. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and created a government for the Plymouth colony that would create fair laws that serve the common good for all to follow., Jamestown - The first permanent English settlement in North America established by the Virginia Company to make $, 50 Acres of Land and a voice in government - Incentives used by the Virginia Company in 1619 to attract more settlers to the New World to make their company more profitable, Background to the English Bill of Rights - William, Duke of Orange, married Mary, the daughter of the King James II. James II was a Catholic, Absolutist who was thoroughly hated in England. After the birth of a male heir to James II in 1688, seven high-ranking members of Parliament "invited" William and Mary to England (to invade). William brought an army of 15,000 men and met no opposition from James' army, which had deserted him. James escaped to France and Parliament offered the crown to William and Mary under the condition they accept the Bill of Rights. This is known as the "Glorious Revolution" or "Bloodless Revolution" and is credited with transforming England from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy (a form of democracy)., Rights Protected by the English Bill of Rights - Freedom to elect members of Parliament, Freedom of speech in Parliament, Freedom from royal interference with the law, Freedom to petition the king, Freedom to bear arms for self-defense, Freedom from taxation by monarch, without agreement of Parliament, Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive fines, Freedom of fines and forfeitures without a trial, Freedom from armies being raised during peacetime, Parliament should be summoned frequently, Impact of the English Bill of Rights - -Transformed Britain into a constitutional monarchy by limiting the power of the Crown and giving it to Parliament, -Bolstered the rights and liberties of individual citizens, -American colonists expected to have the same rights granted in England by the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights., -When the American colonists were denied these rights tensions grew in the colonies and led to the American Revolutionary War.. -Many of the ideas in the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights are in the American Declaration of Independence, First State Constitutions, The U.S. Constitution. US Bill of Rights,

How have the British influenced our government?



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