1) How do you usually become friends with an acquaintance? What activities help you get to know them better? 2) Why do some people act in an anti-social way? What can we do to help them feel more comfortable in social situations? 3) What are some signs that someone might be a narcissist? How can you deal with a narcissist in your life? 4) Do you think family ties are more important than friendships? Why (not)? 5) What are some common problems adolescents face today? How can parents and teachers help adolescents overcome these problems? 6) Do you think being hyper-connected through technology is good or bad? How can we find a balance between online and offline life? 7) Why is it important to have empathy for others? How can we show empathy in our daily lives? 8) How can you nurture a positive mindset in yourself and others? What are some daily practices that help maintain this mindset?

Online Friends Discussion


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