splotched - Marked with irregular patches or spots of color or substance.pg 116, scrunched - Crumpled or compressed; to make something smaller or more compact by squeezing.pg 117, slicked - Made smooth or glossy, often by applying a substance like oil or gel.pg 120, slumped - Leaned or fell heavily downward, often due to fatigue or defeat.pg 131, Cohesive - Forming a united whole; characterized by the ability to stick together.pf 132, Screeching - Making a loud, high-pitched, and unpleasant sound.pg 133, Sickening - Causing disgust or nausea; deeply unpleasant.pg 136, wobbly - Unsteady or prone to movement; shaky.pg 138, conjuring - Calling to mind or bringing into existence, often in a magical or imaginative way.pg142, Revulsion - A strong feeling of disgust or repulsion.pg 146, Bragging - Talking boastfully or excessively about one’s achievements or possessions.pg 150, Fiddled - Played with something nervously; manipulated or adjusted something, often in a deceptive way.pg 160, Sashes - Long, narrow pieces of fabric worn as a decorative belt or over the shoulder; also refers to window frames holding glass panes.pg 167,

Word Wizard [Group-5(Week-2)]


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