1) What activities do you like doing with your family? 2) Have you got any siblings? Talk about them. If not would you like to have a brother or sister? 3) When was the last time you went out with your family? What did you do? 4) Would you like to live abroad? Where? 5) If you could study abroad? Where would you like to study and what subject/degree?? 6) How do you see yourself in ten years from now? 7) What are you planning to do after you finish your studies? 8) What are you going to do after you finish Britanico? 9) How do you usually celebrate your birthday? Are you planning anything for your next birthday? 10) How often do you go on social media? Which ones do you use? 11) How much time do you spend using the internet? 12) What sites do you use to improve your English? 13) Where would you like to go on your next holidays? 14) Where did you go on your last holidays? 15) Why are you studying English? Would you study another language? 16) What are the pros and cons of your neighboorhood? 17) If you had more free time, would you take up a hobby? 18) What are your short-term goals? What about your long-term goals? 19) Are you into going to the cinema? When was the last time you went? What did you watch? 20) What do you like doing in your spare time? 21) Is there a place that you've always wanted to go? E.g Cuzco, Paris, etc 22) How long have you known your closest friend? How did you meet you closest/best friend? 23) How often do you go out with your closest friend? What activities do you do together? 24) Do you do any sports? Which one are you good at? 25) Is there anything you'd like to learn?



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