cawod - shower, cawodydd - showers, cot - coat, cotiau - coats, dannodd - toothache, pabell - tent, pebyll - tents, poen - pain, poenau - pains, annwyd - a cold, bag - bag, bagiau - bags, beic modur - motor bike, beiciau modur - motor bikes, bol / bola - stomach, boliau - stomachs, cefn - back, cefnau - backs, llais - voice, lleisiau - voices, llwnc - throat, moddion - medicine, pâr - pair, parau - pairs, pen - head, peswch - cough, tro - turn, time, cario - to carry, symud - to move, araf - slow, ardderchog - excellent, cyflym - fast, heulog - sunny, priod - married, byth - ever; never, er - although, fel arfer - as usual; usually, (y) llynedd - last year,

Geirfa Uned 13 - Mynediad, Cymraeg i Oedolion (f.2, De)


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