1) How long was Alastair Humphrey's journey? a) 35,000 miles through so countries. b) 45,000 miles through 60 countries. c) 60,000 miles through 45 countries. 2) How did he leave England? a) By ferry. b) By plane. c) He cycled through the Channel Tunnel. 3) Apart from cycling, he has travelled a) by air b) by rail c) by sea. 4) Which difficulty does the speaker NOT mention? a) problems with visas b) accidents c) being robbed 5) Why did he do it? a) Mainly for fun. b) To write a travel book. c) To raise money for charity 6) The people Alastair met thought he was rich because... a) he had £13,000 b) he had a bike. c) he was travelling around the world,


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