Spelling Rule 11 (Qu) - Q always needs a U; therefore, U is not a vowel here., Spelling Rule 1 (C) - C always softens to /s/ when followed by E, I, or Y. Otherwise C says /k/, Spelling Rule 2 (G) - G may soften to /j/ only when followed by E,I, or Y. Otherwise, G says /g/, Spelling Rule 21 (nouns) - To make a noun plural, add the ending -S, unless the word hisses or changes; then add -ES. Some nouns have no change or an irregular spelling., Spelling Rule 26 (CK) - Two-letter /k/ is used only after a single vowel which says its short sound., Spelling Rule 29 (Z) - Z, never S, spells /z/ at the beginning of a base word., Spelling Rulle 18 (SH) - SH spells /sh/ at the beginning of a base word and at the end of the syllable. SH never spells /sh/ at the beginning of any syllable after the first one, except for the ending -ship., Spelling Rulle 4 (A E O U) - A E O U usually say their long sounds at the end of the syllable.,


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