1) cansu:ı love fair. nil:................. ı think fun. a) ı agree b) ı disagree c) funny 2) ı think roller coaster is ................. . a) fun b) boring c) amazing 3) selin: ı don't like carrousel. bade:................. ı think fun. a) ı agree b) ı disagree c) like 4) ı think ghost train is ................. a) fun b) amazing c) scary 5) carrousel is ............. a) boring b) fun c) scary 6) ezgi: what do you think about the train ride? zeynep: ı ...... it. ı think boring. a) hate b) love c) disagree 7) asude: there is a carnival in the town berrin: wow! ı .......... carnıval. a) love b) boring c) hate 8) which one is different? a) boring b) interesting c) carrousel

at the fair


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Växla mall

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