1) ... is London`s central square. a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey 2) ... is a working church nowadays. a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey 3) ... is situated in the Clock Tower. a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey 4) ... chimes every hour. a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey 5) ... is famous for the black birds (ravens) that live there. a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey 6) ... is called the heart of London. a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey 7) ... is the symbol of London and Great Britain. a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey 8) ... is an ancient fortress. a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey 9) ... is a well-known English cathedral. a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey 10) Famous people are buried in ... a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey 11) ... is the location for different festivals. a) The Tower of London b) Trafalgar square c) Big Ben d) Westminster Abbey



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