1) By the end of this month, we........................... (move) to our new house so you can come and see us ! a) will have moved  b) will be moving  c) will be moved 2) By the end of this week I ........................... (finish) my exams so we can go out. a) will have finished   b) will be finish c) will finish 3) This time tomorrow my parents ......................... (fly) over the Atlantic on their way to Boston. a) will have flown  b) will be flying  c) will be fly 4) Rob's exams are in May, so he................................. (do) them all by the 1st June. a) will be doing b) will done c) will have done  5) It is said that in the future we ..................... much higher temperatures. a) will be having b) will not have c) will have had  6) We ............................ solar panels by the 2050. a) will be installing  b) will have installed c) will installed  7) Transports ................................by the year 2050. a) will have changed b) will change c) will be changing  8) We.................... only on tablets or computers . a) shall write  b) will be writing   c) will have written 9) For sure, many people ............................... electric cars soon.  (prediction ) a) will not drive b) will have driven c) will be driving  10) By the year 2050 some species ..................................... from our planet. a) will disappear. b) will have disappeared. c) will be disappearing.

Future Perfect vs Future Continuous


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