1) Tiny, very light particles a) protons b) electrons c) neutrons d) ions 2) Negative electrical charge (-1) a) protons b) isotopes c) neutrons d) electrons e) ions 3) Move around the outside of the nucleus a) ions b) protons c) isoptopes d) electrons e) neutrons 4) large and heavy, like protons a) electrons b) ions c) isotopes d) neutrons 5) no electrical charge a) neutrons b) protons c) electrons d) isotypes e) ions 6) ION a) an atom with changed protons b) an atom with changed electrons c) an atom with changed neutrons d) used for pressing shirts 7) negative ion a) has more protons than neutrons b) has more electrons than protons c) has more neutrons than electrons d) has more protons than electrons 8) ATOMIC NUMBER a) number of protons in the nucleus b) number of protons and neutrons c) number of electrons and neutrons d) number of neutrons in the nucleus 9) MASS NUMBER a) number of protons b) number of electrons and neutrons c) the number of neutrons and electrons d) number of protons and neutrons 10) The carbon atom has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in its nucleus. So its mass number is a) 6 b) More information needed c) 12 d) 12.00089 11) an ion is an atom that has a) gained electrons to become electrically charged b) lost electrons to become electrically charged c) gained or lost electrons to become electrically charged d) gained or lost protons to become electrically charged

J.c. Science Atomic Structure Quiz


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