1) Last week, I ... a) went to Athens. b) have gone to Athens. 2) I haven't done my homework ... a) yet b) yesterday. 3) Two years ago, my mother ... a) visited Paris. b) has visited Paris. 4) I ... never seen this film. a) have b) did 5) I ... just come back from school. a) have b) did 6) I have already ... a) eaten lunch. b) ate lunch. 7) I have ... cycled 50 km. a) just b) yet 8) I ... football. a) have never played b) never played 9) Yesterday I ... football. a) have played b) played 10) She ... in Thailand since 2010. a) has lived b) lived 11) They ... shopping at Big C. a) gone b) have gone 12) She always ... to play the guitar. a) loved b) has loved 13) I ... been to watch ballet. a) haven't b) have never 14) Where ... you travelled? a) has b) have 15) ... ever been to Greece? a) Have b) Had

Past Simple VS Present Perfect


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