Central Processing Unit - Processes program instructions using data, Control Unit - Part of the CPU which is in charge of all operations of the FDE cycle, FDE Cycle - The process by which the CPU works; fetching, decoding and executing instructions, RAM - The computer's working memory, Simulation - Process of imitating another process - usually used to test or understand a process, BUS - A line that carries computer signals, Effect of having a larger bus - Allows the flow of more data, Arithmetic Logic Unit - Performs Arithmetic and Logic Operations, Logic operation - Involves making decisions by using operations such as >,<.==, OR, NOT, AND, Arithmetic operation - Involves performing maths using operators such as +,-,*, Display - An output device which displays results of processing, Cache - super fast memory that stores frequently used instructions, Over clocking - Speeding up the CPU by changing the speed of the CPU clock ticks, Pipelining - Process starting execution of another process before completion of the current execution.,

Simulation of CPU Performation


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