1) belt is on the shelf 3 2) step on that frog 1 3) fell in the wet sand 0 4) must dump the trash 4 5) jump in the pond and swim 2 6) mend the rip in the dress 3 7) must get a flag 1 8) pass the small block 0 9) rest of the plum 4 10) fell in the wet slush 2 11) did not get the last mint 3 12) trot up to the flag 1 13) pink silk dress 0 14) hunt for the lost raft 4 15) trim the tall grass 2 16) glad to sell the clams 3 17) pink shell was on the sand 1 18) a thrill to go on that trip 0 19) mend the vest 4 20) grab a lunch and go to the pond 2 21) tests the drum for the band 3 22) twin wept when her sis left 1 23) sniff this fresh plum 0 24) step on the crab 4 25) spot on my mask 2 26) dug in the soft sand 3 27) hunts and traps 1 28) swell to camp at the cliff 0 29) last things on this long list 4 30) glad the class skit was a smash hit 2

Fluency Phrases


Visuell stil


Växla mall

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