Cardiovascular System - Made up of blood, heart, blood and blood vessels, Central Nervous System (CNS) - Consists of brain and spinal cord, Digestive System - Consists of alimentary canal, Endocrine System - Produces, stores and secretes hormones, Immune System - Protects the body from disease and infection, Integumentary System - Largest system in the body, Musculoskeletal - Provides framework, allows the body to move, Nervous System - Two divisions – central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - Involves the nerves that are throughout the body, Reproductive System - Involves female and male sex organs, Sense Organs - Sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, Tissues - Groups of cells with similar functions: epithelial, connective, muscle and nerve, Urinary System - Involves kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra,

Body Systems


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