1) The check - in desk assistant asked Rob to ...........................while she checked teh flight times. a) wait in b) held in c) wait off d) hold on e) catch on f) catch up 2) Sean had always ... well with his neighbours. a) have a good relative b) get well c) get off d) get on e) got on f) catch up 3) SAm doubts that freeganism will ... all around the country a) catch on b) looked on c) get off d) caught on e) get along f) catch up 4) The security guard....... as we queued up at the check desk a) catch on b) look into c) look for d) passed on e) catched up f) looked on 5) When Fran grew out her baby clothes, we ... them ... to my brother's a) pass on b) pass in c) passed out d) passed, on e) pist off f) catch up 6) A lot of Mongolian's ... the nomadic lifestyle, moving from one place to another a) carry out b) carried away c) carry d) carry on e) caught up f) carry away



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