1) Argument a) A large area b) Disagreement c) Very good 2) Hastily a) Blind b) Soft c) Hurriedly 3) Forgo a) Bring back b) Give up c) Large space 4) Immese a) Huge amount of b)  Large clay pots c) Less amount of d) 5) Gloomily a) Saldly b) Happy c) Kindly 6) Dazzled a) seeing b) Blinded c) Successful 7) Gratitude a) Fancy b) Thankfullness c) Shocked 8) Inexperienced a) Lack of experience or knowledge or skills gained over time b) Somooth c) Lossing 9) Nagging a) Sald b) Worrying c) Large space 10) Fancy a) Stopped b) Very nice c) Fell like having (here)want 11) Stubborn a) Give again b) Determined not to change,unbending c) Bring back 12) Ointment a) Clay b) A smooth greasy substance to cure or heal a wound c) Box 13) Dumfounded a) Shocked and surprised b) Money c) Large amount 14) Pitchers a) Large clay pots b) Large amount of c) Large space 15) Alms a) Stand b) Gathered c) Food or money given to the poor and needly 16) Restore a) Bring back b) Taking c) Selling 17) Depair a) Bring back b) Loosing all hope c) Stand 18) Swear a) Promise b) Large space c) To make a serious promise 19) Inherited a) Shocked b) From his father after his death c) Property 20) Accompanied a) Knowledge b) Surprised c) Traveling with w 21) Fortune a) Amount of money/property b) Large clay c) Thankfullness 22) Saintly a) Hurriedly b) Like a saint,Very good or very holy c) Give up 23) Extremely a) Very less b) Very few c) Very much 24) Tolerate a) Stand,bear b) Large amount c) Fell having here want 25) Expanse a) A large clay b) A large area or space c) A large amount 26) Managed a) Successded b) Performance c) Blind 27) Instantly a) Bring back b) Slowly c) Immediately



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