Birth to 1 month - Cries only because of discomfort or hunger, Birth to 1 month (2) - Can discriminate among similar language sounds (for examle 'pa' and 'ba'), 1 to 3 months - Makes cooing sounds, 3–6 months - Makes some consonant-vowel sounds,  6–9 months - Babbles repetitive consonant-vowel strings (for example, ba ba ba), 9–12 months - Understands some frequently-heard words, 9–12 months (2) - Babbles with sentence intonation (for example, ba BA ba ba!), 12–18 months - Produces ‘first word’, 18–24 months - Has a vocabulary of about 50 words, 18–24 months (2) - Combines words to make ‘telegraphic’ sentences, 24–36 months - Begins to use grammatical morphemes and function words, 3–4 years - Starts to ask lots of ‘why’ questions, 3–4 years (2) - Knows ‘cake the eat’ is silly but doesn’t know why, 4–6 years - Learns to use different ‘voices’ with different interlocutors, 4–6 years (2) - Takes into account what listener knows (for example, on the telephone), 6–8 years - Has a vocabulary of several thousand words, 6–8 years (2) - Shows literacy-based metalinguistic awareness, 8–10 years - Learns to use different language registers for different social/academic situations,



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