1) Sometimes he walks on his own to the shop. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 2) I like to jump in the river. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 3) Jack wants to play with the ball. a) 1st person b) 2nd peerson c) 3rd person 4) She goes to the cinema with her friends. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 5) My dog likes to hide my socks. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 6) We go swimming every week. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 7) When you see a monster, you should tell them to tidy up. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 8) Your cat hides in the tree. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 9) I sat for a while, looking out of the window. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 10) You need to go to bed. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 11) I went to the funfair with my friends. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 12) Her friends are funny when they tell jokes. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 13) I visit my horse every day. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 14) Every week I visit my family in the garden. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 15) Your garden has a big slide. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 16) Josie went to get chocolate cake with her friends.  a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 17) My Dad picked me up from school. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 18) You do not have to to go to school on the weekend. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 19) Their puppy loves to play fetch with a ball. a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person 20) I have to water the flowers every day.  a) 1st person b) 2nd person c) 3rd person

1st, 2nd or 3rd person?


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