1) 1. The Great Indian Desert is also known as ___________ a) Sahara Desert b) Empty Quarter c) Thar Desert d) Gobi Desert 2) Name the outermost range of Himalayas.(Lower) a) Himadari b) Shivalik c) Himachal d) Purvanchal 3) There are ______________ physical divisions in India a) 7 b) 9 c) 4 d) 6 4) There are desert(s) in India a) True b) False 5) The ________ has difficult living condition a) Thar Desert b) Western coastal plain c) Southern Plateau d) Eastern coastal plain 6) The mountain slopes of the middle Himalaya range are covered with thick forests of _________________________ a) Dates b) Pine c) Coconut 7) Identify the odd one a) Plateau b) Mountain c) Map d) Plain

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