1) Identify the battle - The Americans beat the British convincing the French to become America's ally in the Revolution a) Battle of Saratoga b) Battle of Lexington and Concord c) Battle of Yorktown 2) Identify the Battle - “Shot heard around the world” a) Battle of Saratoga b) Battle of Lexington and Concord c) Battle of Yorktown 3) Identify the Battle - The French (sea) and Americans (land) surrounded the British. a) Battle of Saratoga b) Battle of Lexington and Concord c) Battle of Yorktown 4) Identify the Battle - Confederacy fired the 1st shots. 1st Battle of the Civil WAR a) Battle of Saratoga b) Fort Sumter c) Battle of Vicksburg 5) Identify the Battle - Union won this battle splitting the Confederacy in two and taking control of the Mississippi River. a) Battle of Vicksburg b) Battle of Yorktown c) Battle of Gettysburg 6) Identify the Battle - Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant. Ending the war. a) Battle of Gettysburg b) Battle of Vicksburg c) Appomattox Courthouse 7) Identify the Battle - The Confederacy tried to fight in the North but were defeated. a) Battle of Gettysburg b) Battle of Yorktown c) Fort Sumter 8) The war where the 13 Colonies won independence from England a) Civil War b) American Revolution c) Mexican American War 9) The 2nd war fought between the U.S. and England fought after British kidnapped U.S. sailors. a) Civil War b) Mexican American War c) War of 1812 10) War fought between England and France over the Ohio River Valley. a) French and Indian War b) War of 1812 c) Civil War


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