1) What is the name for the area in a church where people gather and sit? a) nave b) pulpit c) altar d) lectern 2) What is the name for the area where the choir sit in a church? a) nave b) font c) chancel d) altar 3) What is the name for the raised platform where the sermon is often preached from? a) icon b) chancel c) font d) pulpit 4) What is the name for the stand that holds the Bible in a church? a) pulpit b) nave c) lectern d) sanctuary 5) What is the name for the area where the priest and altar servers stand and the Holy Communion is blessed at the altar? a) sanctuary b) altar c) pulpit d) baptistry 6) Traditionally, the lectern is in the form of a brass ......... ? a) hawk b) eagle c) dove d) seagull 7) The baptism of babies or young children usually takes place at the .......? a) font b) lectern c) altar d) pulpit 8) In a Roman Catholic Church, you might find ................... of Jesus, Mary and the saints? a) candles b) Bibles c) statues 9) A baptistry is a small pool ,boarded over for normal services, used for baptising older children and adults only. True or false? a) true b) false 10) Methodist, baptist and new churches tend to have elaborate decoration and lots of symbolism. True or false? a) true b) false

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