Ecology - A branch of biology concerned with the study of the interactions of living organisms with each other and with their environment, Ecosystem - A community of organisms that interact with their environment, Biosphere - The part of the earth, including the atmosphere, in which life can exist, Habitat - The place where an animal lives, Population - All the members of the same species living in an area, Community - All the different populations in an area, Biotic factors - Living factors, Abiotic factors - Non-living factors, Edaphic factors - Factors related to the soil, Producers - Make their own food, Consumers - Eat other plants and animals, Herbivores - Eat plants only, Carnivores - Eat animals only, Omnivores - Eat both plants and animals, Food Chain - The feeding relationship between organisms through which energy is transferred, Trophic level - Feeding level, Food web - A number of interconnected food chains, Flora - Fauna, Fauna - Aminals, Quadrat - A square used to mark off an area for studying plants and animals, Pooter - A jar with two rubber tubes attached - used to suck up insects, Sweep net - A net that is swept through long grasses and hedges, Beating tray - A basin held under a tree. A stick is used to shake the tree, Pitfall trap - A jar dug into the ground and is level with the surface - an animal trap, Adaptation - Any alteration that improves an organism's chance of survival and reproduction, Key - A method of identifying plants and animals,



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