dynamic character - character that goes through a significant change throughout the story, plot - a series of arranged events , protagonist - the main or leading character of the story, setting - time, place and environment, climax - the turning point of the story, static character - this character does not go through any significant changes throughout the story, resolution - this part of the plot ties up loose ends and resolves the conflict of a story, foreshadowing - when the author hints at events that may take place later on during the story, antagonist - the villain in the story who opposes and creates conflict for the main character, falling action - the events following the climax in the plot diagram , point of view - the perspective from which the narrator tells a story, inciting incident - sets off the action and gets things rolling in a story, simile - a comparison of two things that use like or as, rising action - part of the plot diagram that contains the conflicts or struggles that lead up to the climax, exposition - the part of the plot where the main characters, setting and conflict are introduced, theme - the life lesson, message, or life lesson of a story, conflict - the part of a story that involves a struggle between two opposing forces, personification - when living qualities are given to a nonliving thing , alliteration - the repetition of consonant sounds (beginning letter), hyperbole - an extreme exaggeration ,

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