What's the most excited / exciting thing you've ever done?, When was the last time you were really bored / boring?, Have you ever been disappointed / disappointing? Talk about it., Manuals can be confused / confusing, don't you think?, When was the last time you were really surprised / surprising?, Do you think learning English is tired / tiring?, What's the most embarrassed / embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you? , What's the most bored / boring subject you've taken at school / college?, When was the last time you felt frustrated / frustrating? Why?, What do you think is the most exhausted / exhausting sport/discipline?, What gets you excited / exciting the most?, What do you find amused / amusing? Give us a couple of examples., In your opinion, what's the most fascinated / fascinating creature in the world? Why?, What has been you most frightenend / frightening experience? , Would you be shocked / shocking if you found out that there's one or more parallel universes?, When or why would people feel terrified / terrifying?, What's the most depressed / depressing news you've heard / read in this year so far?, Have you ever been puzzled / puzzling by a decision? What was it?, What's the most disgusted / disgusting thing you've ever eaten? Tell us about it..

Adjectives: ED or ING? (Choose the best option and answer the questions.)


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