1) It is the ability to make one’s own decision. a) E b) A 2) It involves enhancing the capacity of an individual or group to make purposive outcome. a) E b) A 3) The act of pleading or arguing in favor of something. a) A b) E 4) It involves fighting for the rights of others. a) A b) E 5) It has three types: systemic, individual, and self. a) A b) E 6) The goal is to change the status quo of people. a) A b) E 7) It requires a carefully detailed advocacy plan. a) A b) E 8) The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s right. a) E b) A 9) Example of this is a non-profit organization that works to help women of domestic abuse who feel too afraid to speak for themselves. a) A b) E 10) It includes five kinds of skills: Life Coping, Manipulative, Intellectual, Communicative, and Artistic. a) E b) A



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