1) The impotance of wudu is discussed in which Surah? a) Surah Ahzab b) Surah Yunus c) Surah Maeda 2) The key to Paradise is ________. a) Wudu b) Salah c) Respect of parents 3) ________ prolongs age. a) Praying wajib namaz b) Praying for long span of life c) Praying Salat al Layl 4) Wudu helps in a) washing away sins b) controlling anger c) both a and b 5) Which Surah should be recited while performing wudu? a) Ayat al Kursi b) Surah Qadr c) Surah Ikhlaas 6) What does tashdeed e wudu mean? a) Breaking of wudu b) Performing wudu while travelling c) Performing wudu again after it breaks d) Performing another wudu over wudu 7) Performing wudu before going to bed shall be considered as spending the night in __________. a) Mosque b) Holy Kabaah c) Karbala 8) ________ has been appointed to create doubts while performing wudu. a) Alhaan b) Alhaam c) Walhaan 9) When does Walhaan attack? a) When one forgets to do wudu before salah b) When one forgets to say Bismillah before sleeping c) When one forgets to say Bismillah before wudu 10) Wudu saves one from ________ a) skin cancer b) high blood pressure c) allergies


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