1) I have to .............an important telephone call. a) make b) do 2) She didn't ..................do her best in the exam a) do b) make 3) She was late so she didn't ___ breakfast for the children a) do b) make 4) She has to ___ the housework before going to work. a) do b) make 5) There are so many decisions to ___, I don’t know where to start a) do b) make 6) Did you ..............a reservation for tonight? a) make b) do 7) He was busy .....................the shopping so I didn't stop to talk to him. a) doing b) making 8) He ...................a lot of research before putting something on the market. a) makes b) does 9) The people wanted to .............peace, they were tired of endless wars. a) do b) make 10) Can you ..........me a favour please? a) make b) do 11) Why does he always ...............promises and then breaks them? a) does b) makes 12) A famous writer is going to ___ an appearance here a) make b) do 13) She spends too much money and time ..............her hair and nails.  a) doing b) making 14) I think he is trying to ............... trouble for you. a) make b) do 15) It was a pleasure ..............business with you. a) doing b) making 16) You are going to have to ...............some changes. a) do b) make 17) He ...............a lot of money in his new business. a) does b) makes



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