What did you think when you read the headline?, What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'book'?, What do you think of books?, What are the good and bad things about paper books?, What is your favourite book, and why?, How important is bedtime reading for children?, What do you think of the march of technology?, Which are better - paper books or e-books?, What are your childhood memories of books?, What format of books will we be reading in 100 years?, Did you like reading this article? Why/not?, What do you think of when you hear the word 'technology'?, What do you think about what you read?, What are the best things about e-books?, What is the best children's book ever?, How can technology make books better?, Should we delay using digital devices with children?, Should we use e-books to help save trees?, What book format do you think toddlers prefer?, What questions would you like to ask the researchers?.

Paper books vs E-books - discussion questions


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