1) Despite the high rent, Martha decided to live by _______ in Montreal a) hers b) herself c) itself 2) Although he is only three years old, Jimmy can get dressed by ________. a) him b) himself c) itself 3) I am very stubborn. I prefer to do everything by _________. a) myself b) me c) I 4) Although they are only 17, Hector and Julia live by ________. a) themselves b) themself c) theirselves 5) Wanda is very independent. She pays all her bills by _______. a) her b) myself c) herself 6) Did you make this all by ________ ? It's beautiful. a) yours b) you c) yourself 7) The children cooked breakfast for their mom by _______, and they served it to her. a) themselves b) themself c) theirselves 8) William and I prepare and cook all our meals by _______. a) ourself b) us c) ourselves 9) I cannot possibly do everything by ________. I need help/ a) me b) myself c) I 10) Do you both think you can do this all by ______. a) yourself b) themselves c) yourselves

Reflexive Pronouns


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