1) So sorry, I think I've ______ a mistake. a) make b) do 2) Are you going to ______ an appointment to see your doctor? a) make b) do 3) Bob will ______ a fortune in the oil company. a) make b) do 4) I have to ______ the washing up. a) make b) do 5) Mum, can I ______ a cake? a) make b) do 6) I always ______ physical exercises in the morning. a) make b) do 7) We usually ______ the shopping on Saturdays. a) make b) do 8) Did you ______ friends at school yesterday? a) make b) do 9) The workmen usually ______ a good job. a) make b) do 10) The children ______ too much noise while playing. a) make b) do 11) Always ______ your best and you're sure to succeed. a) make b) do 12) We just couldn't ______ up our minds where to go on holiday. a) make b) do

Make vs Do


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