1) *We* pushed our way through the crowd to get a better look. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adverb 2) We *pushed* our way through the crowd to get a better look. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adverb 3) We pushed *our* way through the crowd to get a better look. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adverb 4) We pushed our *way* through the crowd to get a better look. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adverb 5) We pushed our way *through* the crowd to get a better look. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adverb 6) We pushed our way through *the* crowd to get a better look. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adverb 7) We pushed our way through the *crowd* to get a better look. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adverb 8) We pushed our way through the crowd *to get* a better look. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adverb 9) We pushed our way through the crowd to get *a* better look. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adverb 10) We pushed our way through the crowd to get a *better* look. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adjective 11) We pushed our way through the crowd to get a better *look*. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adjective 12) *Children* were screaming and the minibus driver and some other men carried them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adjective 13) Children *were screaming* and the minibus driver and some other men carried them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adjective 14) Children were screaming *and* the minibus driver and some other men carried them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) conjunction f) adjective 15) Children were screaming and *the* minibus driver and some other men carried them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adjective 16) Children were screaming and the *minibus* driver and some other men carried them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adjective 17) Children were screaming and the minibus *driver* and some other men carried them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) article (determiner) f) adjective 18) Children were screaming and the minibus driver *and* some other men carried them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) conjunction f) adjective 19) Children were screaming and the minibus driver and *some* other men carried them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun (indefinite pronoun) d) preposition e) conjunction f) adjective 20) Children were screaming and the minibus driver and some *other* men carried them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun (indefinite pronoun) d) preposition e) conjunction f) adjective 21) Children were screaming and the minibus driver and some other *men* carried them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun (indefinite pronoun) d) preposition e) conjunction f) adjective 22) Children were screaming and the minibus driver and some other men *carried* them out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun (indefinite pronoun) d) preposition e) conjunction f) adjective 23) Children were screaming and the minibus driver and some other men carried *them* out of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) conjunction f) adjective 24) Children were screaming and the minibus driver and some other men carried them *out* of the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) conjunction f) adjective 25) Children were screaming and the minibus driver and some other men carried them out *of* the bus. a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) preposition e) adverb f) adjective 26) Children were screaming and the minibus driver and some other men carried them out of *the* bus. a) noun b) verb c) article (determiner) d) preposition e) conjunction f) adjective 27) Children were screaming and the minibus driver and some other men carried them out of the *bus*. a) noun b) verb c) article (determiner) d) preposition e) conjunction f) adjective

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