1) The planet known as the 'Earth's Twin is a) Mars b) Mercury c) Venus d) Saturn 2) Which is the third nearest planet to the Sun? a) None of these b) Earth c) Venus d) Mercury 3) All the planets move around the Sun in a a) Elongated path b) Rectangular path c) Circular path d) Straight path 4) The pole star indicates the direction to the a) North b) West c) East d) South 5) Asteroids are found between the orbit of a) Mars and Venus b) Mars and Jupitar c) Mars and Mercury d) Mars and Saturn 6) The value of prime meridian is a) 0 degree b) 60 degree c) 90 degree d) 180 degree 7) The frigid zone lies near a) The Poles b) The Equator c) The Tropic of Cancer d) The Tropic of Capricorn 8) The total number of longitudes are a) 180 b) 360 c) none of these d) 90 9) The Antarctic circle is located in' a) The Western hemisphere  b) The Eastern hemisphere c) The Southern hemisphere d) The Northern hemisphere 10) Grid is a network of a) Parallel of latitudes and meridians of longitudes b) The Tropic of Cancer  and Tropic of Capricorn c) The North pole and South pole d) The Antarctic circles and Arctic circle 11) The movement of Earth around the Sun is known as a) Gravitation b) Inclination c) Revolution d) Rotation 12) Direct rays of the Sun fall on the equator on a) 21st March b) 31st March c) 22nd December d) 21st June 13) Christmas is celebrated in Summer in a) Japan b) America c) India d) Australia 14) Cycle of seasons is caused due to a) Solstice b) Rotation c) Gravitation d) Revolution

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