Struggle - to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems, Harassment - to annoy or bother (someone) in a constant or repeated way, Cyberbullying - the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature., Leisure - time when you are not working : time when you can do whatever you want to do, Compassionate - feeling or showing concern for someone who is sick, hurt, poor, etc. : having or showing compassion, Acquaintance - someone who is known but who is not a close friend, Confide in - to tell personal and private things to (someone), Engaging - very attractive or pleasing in a way that holds your attention, Distractions - something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention, Dedication - a feeling of very strong support for or loyalty to someone or something : the quality or state of being dedicated to a person, group, cause, etc., Extracurricular - used to describe extra activities (such as sports) that can be done by the students in a school but that are not part of the regular schedule of classes, Adolescence - the period of time in life when you are fully grown and developed, an adult, Peer Pressure - a feeling that you must do the same things as other people of your age and social group in order to be liked or respected by them, Self-esteem - a feeling of having respect for yourself and your abilities, Prioritize - to organize (things) so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first,



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