Judiciary Act of 1789 (2): Set up the federal court system, State ct decisions could be appealed to the federal ct., Washington's Farwell address (2): GW warned against factions (political parties), GW warned against foreign alliances, Bank of the United States established (3): Congress used Elastic Clause, Loose interp of Constitution, Hamilton agreed to move capital to DC to get southern agreement, First Political Parties (3): Democratic Republicans, Federalists, Formed b/c of controversy over BEFAT, Whiskey Rebellion (4): Response to excise tax , Penn. farmers attacked tax collectors., GW leads troops against the rebels., Proves the gov is stronger under the AOC , Genet Affair (2): Fr dude tried to recruit Americans for the Fr military., Washington mad - had signed Procl. of Neutrality, Pinckney’s Treaty (3) : Spain was afraid of an alliance between US & Br. the US & Britain, Americans granted “right of deposit” in New Orleans, Spain let us use the Mississippi, Jay's Treaty (3): Am. diplomat tried to get Britain to stop being buttheads., Britain had been impressing sailors, arming N. Ams, and keeping forts, Treaty was a disaster.,

The Washington Years (1789-1797)


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