1) What goes with Dw ...? a) Dw i b) Dw ti c) Dw e d) Dw nhw 2) What goes with Wyt ...? a) Wyt i? b) Wyt nhw? c) Wyt ti? d) Wyt e? 3) What goes with Ga ...? a) Ga fe ...? b) Ga ti ..? c) Ga chi ...? d) Ga i ...? 4) What goes with Mae ... There are two correct answers here. a) Mae e b) Mae nhw c) Mae hi d) Mae fi 5) What else goes with Mae ...? There are another two correct answers here? a) Mae chi b) Mae Jonathan c) Mae Melissa d) Mae ti 6) What goes with Ydych ...? There are two correct answers here. a) Ydych chi'n ...? b) Ydych fi ...? c) Ydych chi ...? d) Ydych ti ...? 7) What goes with Maen ...? a) Maen nhw b) Maen ti c) Maen e d) Maen hi

PRONOUNS AND VERBS Rhagenwau a berfau, beth sy'n mynd gyda beth.


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