1) What is the purpose of our nervous system? a) Enables us to enjoy the colours and smells of our world. b) Enables us to react quickly to our surroundings and coordinate our behaviour. c) Enables us to do things quickly. 2) What are receptor cells?  a) They are cells that produce stimuli. b) They are cells that allow muscles to contract. c) They are the effectors in the nervous system. d) They pick up and sense different stimuli and send them to the CNS. 3) Where do we normally find receptor cells? a) Mainly in the eyes. b) On the tips of our fingers.  c) Usually found in sense organs like the eyes, skin, tongue and nose.  4) What are examples of stimuli that receptor cells might sense? a) Smell only. b) Change in taste. c) Change in temperature, change in light intensity, change in hormone levels. d) Change in the weather. 5) What are the cells that carry impulses from your sense organs to the CNS? a) Spinal neurones b) Motor neurones c) Relay neurones d) Sensory neurones 6) What does the CNS do? a) It creates all of the electrical impulses and sends them down the sensory neurones. b) It coordinates the inputs from the sensory neurones and sends them out down the motor neurones. c) It understands what is about to happen and creates electrical impulses to send down motor neurones. 7) Which of the following is an example of an effector? a) Eye b) Muscle c) Bone d) Skin 8) Which of the following statements shows the correct stages of the reflex arc? a) Stimulus --> sensory neurone --> receptor --> relay neurone --> motor neurone --> effector --> response b) Receptor --> sensory neurone --> relay neurone --> effector --> response c) Stimulus --> receptor --> sensory neurone --> relay neurone --> effector --> response d) Stimulus --> receptor --> sensory neurone --> relay neurone --> motor neurone --> effector --> response 9) What type of actions do reflex actions control? a) Breathing, digestion, and helping avoid danger rapidly.  b) Opening and closing your eyes, moving your hand voluntarily. c) Smelling and tasting food. 10) What is the reflex arc? a) An arc of impulses that allows you to move your arms if you want to. b) How the CNS controls movement and digestion. c) An unconscious (you do not control it) sequence of events that results in a rapid response.  11) What is a synapse? a) A dead end between two neurones. Chemicals are released across the synapse to stop the impulse from continue travelling.  b) A junction between two neurones. Chemicals are released across the synapse to allow the impulse to continue travelling.  c) A part of the cell that contains all of the genetic material. 12) Where are there synapses in the reflex arc? a) Between the sensory neurone and relay neurone and the relay neurone and the motor neurone.  b) Between the sensory and motor neurones only. c) Between the skin receptors and the sensory neurone.

Structure and function of the nervous system and reflext actions MCQ (11H4)


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