What´s your name?, How old are you?, How many brothers and sisters have you got?, What´s your favourite colour?, What´s your favourite food?, What´s your favourite animal?, What´s your father´s name?, What´s your mother´s name?, How old is your brother / sister?, Where do you live?, Have you got a pet?, How do you feel today?, What´s your favourite toy?, What day is it today?, What´s the weather like today?, Can you sing?, Can you dance?, Can you ride a bike?, Are you hungry?, Are you tired?, Do you like reading?, Do you like playing computer games?, Do you like watching TV?, Do you like Maths?, Do you like English?, What´s your father´s job?, What´s your mother´s job?, Do you go to school on Monday?, Do you go to school on Sunday?, Can you fly?.

Personal questions for children


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