My children ____ keen to study in the UK. Therese wants ____ visit Egypt someday. Our university has ____ exchange programme with different universities abroad. They love spending time ____ their nephews. My cousins who ____ working in Italy finish work at 11 pm. In my country, there are people ____ get married at the age of 18 To continue, you only have ____ press "OK". - Let's go to the cinema!- OK, but what ____ Joseph and Mandy? - I texted them an hout ago. They said they were busy. There are usually ____ 12 and 14 rainstorms every year You need to hand ____ your articles to the teacher before tomorrow. My father likes many vegetables such ____broccoli, cucumber and eggplant. My parents are starting ____ own business soon. Apart ____ my close friends, some relatives joined me on my birthday. I would like to ____ part in the play. I don't know if I will go to that university. It depends ____ my marks.

Exam Task Practice - B1


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