The cooker in our flat is 12 years old. It really is on ... - The cooker in our flat is 12 years old. It really is on its last legs., We had an awful argument, but it's OK now. We've had a ... - We had an awful argument, but it's OK now. We've had a heart-to-heart., To do well in business you need a good ... for figures. - To do well in business you need a good head for figures., I'd love to help you, but I've got my ... full right now. - I'd love to help you, but I've got my hands full right now., He's a great singer, but I hope success doesn't ... to his head. - He's a great singer, but I hope success doesn't go to his head., Is that Porsche really yours or are you ... my leg? - Is that Porsche really yours or are you pulling my leg?, There's no point taking this job if your ... isn't ... it. - There's no point taking this job if your heart isn't in it., You could tell she was upset, even though she ... a brave ... ... it. - You could tell she was upset, even though she put a brave face on it., Living in a new place will feel strange, but you'll soon ... your ... . - Living in a new place will feel strange, but you'll soon find your feet., My friend is so kind. She's got a real ... of ... . - My friend is so kind. She's got a real heart of gold., Don't worry about moving all those boxes. I'll ... you a ... . - Don't worry about moving all those boxes. I'll give you a hand., He can be really hurtful sometimes. He has a very ... ... . - He can be really hurtful sometimes. He's got a really sharp tongue.,

Idioms of the body (Headway Upp Int 5th edition)


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