1) I'm good at ....... a kite. a) fly b) play c) flying d) playing e) to fly f) to play 2) I'm good .... playing the guitar. a) in b) on c) at d) an 3) I'm .... good at snorkelling. a) no b) not c) now d) nou 4) He .... good at riding bikes. a) am b) is c) are d) not 5) She ..... good at painting. a) am not b) isn't c) aren't d) not 6) He's ..... at climbing trees. a) god b) well c) go d) good 7) We're good at .... puzzles. a) do b) doing c) does d) don't 8) He's not good ..... swimmimg. a) in b) on c) under d) at 9) She's good at ...... . a) dance b) dances c) dancing d) danced

to be good at


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