Review - To identify the strengths and weaknesses of something., Audience - Who the clip is intended for e.g. Teenagers, Aim - What the clip is trying to achieve, Project Pitch - The initial plan for your project where you identify the aim and the audience, Cut - When you remove part of a sound track (i.e. the unwanted areas of sound), Split - When you divide a track so it goes onto 2 layers, Import - To bring sounds into Audacity, Time – shift - The tool used to reposition the tracks of sound, Trimming - When you remove part of a sound track, Effects - Changes you make to enhance sound tracks e.g fade in / fade out, Export - Combining sounds as one track for playback on an audio device, Test Plan - A plan of all the checks you need to make on your finished radio advert., Identify - Making a list of things that need to be improved., Improvements - Things that could be better.,

Unit 22 Wordwall game

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