1) I have ... porridge. a) much b) many 2) She has ... oranges. a) much b) many 3) I have ... hamburgers. a) much b) many 4) She doesn't have ... tea. a) much b) many 5) He doesn't have ... water. a) much b) many 6) I don't have ... salt. a) much b) many 7) He has many ... a) glasses of milk b) milk c) coffee 8) I don't have much ... a) chocolate b) sweets c) eggs 9) She doesn't have much ... a) bananas b) carrots c) bread 10) ... apples do you have? a) How much b) How many 11) ... fish do you have? a) How much b) How many 12) ... vegetables do you have? a) How much b) How many 13) ... fruit do you have? a) How much b) How many 14) ... meat do you have? a) How much b) How many 15) ... sweets do you have? a) How much b) How many

Верещагина 3, стр 76, much/many


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