Accused - A person who is charged and on trial for a crime but who has not yet been found guilty, Act - A statute or law made by a legislative body, Alleged - accused but not yet proven or convicted, Arrest - A seizure or forcible restraint; an exercise of the power to deprive a person of his or her liberty; the taking or keeping of a person in custody by legal authority, especially, in response to a criminal charge., Charge - the specific statement of what crime the party is accused (charged with) contained in the indictment or criminal complaint., Actus reus - The physical performance of a crime (guilty act), Mens rea - A person’s mental state and awareness of the fact that their act is criminal, Evidence - Any matter of fact that a party to a lawsuit offers to prove or disprove an issue in the case., Indictable offence - More serious criminal offence that requires a committal hearing and trial, Offender - A person who has broken the law, Omission - A failure to act resulting in a breach of duty or damage, Reasonable suspicion - Facts that would cause a reasonably minded person to conclude something – this may be an incorrect suspicion, but it must be a reasonable one, Right to silence - A person does not have to answer a question if, truly answered, it would tend to incriminate him., Subpoena - An official document that requires a person to give evidence in the District or Supreme Court, Summary Offence - Simple or less serious criminal offence heard by a magistrate, Summons - An official document that requires a person to give evidence in the Magistrates Court, Victim - A person who has suffered a loss (physical, emotional or economic) due to the actions or omissions of another, Warrants - A written order issued by a judicial officer or other authorized person commanding a law enforcement officer to perform some act incident to the administration of justice., Witness - A person who has seen or heard information relevant to an alleged crime, Suspect - A person who is thought to have committed a crime and is being investigated,

11 Legal Studies Unit 1 Topic 2


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